Category Archives: inspiration

Something Awesome: JL8

There’s this thing, called JL8 (also available here). It’s basically the Justice League when they were 8 years old and it is fabulous. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are best friends as are Diana Prince and Karen Starr. The soon-to-be Power Girl has a huge crush on the soon-to-be-superman which just seems a little creepy to me. I never did get over the lost continuation where Power Girl was Superman’s sister. But the art is incredibly cute, the jokes are mostly laugh-out-loud funny and the whole thing is just super cute.

Based on characters in DC Comics. Creative content © Yale Stewart.
Based on characters in DC Comics. Creative content © Yale Stewart.

See? And even Neil Gaiman makes an appearance as do the Endless. That’s just way awesome.

My Favourite Comics Women

Comics and women have been a favorite subject of mine for a good long while now. Just today I noticed however that I’ve been mostly sharing and commenting on the bad aspects which is strange because most of the actual time I spend with comics I spend enjoying them. So to start evening the score, here are some of my favorite women from comics in no particular order.

Emma Frost

Emma Frost - White QueenThe psychic woman is sometimes a supervillain and sometimes a superhero but she’s always bad ass. Besides her considerable psychic powers she can also turn her skin into diamond. This makes her one of the only superheroes with a solid character reason for the skimpy clothing she wears. It has long been a pet peeve of mine that the effect is dampened by everyone else wearing the same kind of thing. And speaking of skimpy clothing, Emma is also pretty much the only character ever who understands the concept of the male gaze and even though her writers don’t always know it, they still manage to write her using it to her benefit.

Tambi Baker

Tambi Baker Tambi is quite literally a strong female character. She’s tall with a bodybuilder physique, an assassin’s attitude and enough brains to act as her own agent in the middle of a mob war. But she’s also tender and loyal to the people she cares about. All while also being incredibly vulnerable, subtle and mentally wounded. While the series (Strangers in Paradise) is full of awesome women, there’s something enchanting about a full woman built like a bodybuilder.
As an aside I should note that Tambi does have an identical twin sister, Bambi, but she’s nowhere near as cool as her sister, even though outwardly they’re identical.

Agatha Heterodyne

You must have known this was coming. The Girl Genius is one of my all-time favorite comic characters and by far the one I identify most with. She’s the geeky girl with the weird and sometimes creepy ideas who loves science and tinkering with things. She’s sought after by handsome men, two of whom are almost equally geeky and capable. Almost being the operative word. While both Gil and Tarvek are sparks in their own right, neither of them seems to be quite as strong as Agatha. But they all keep saving each other’s hides all the time as well as their cast of hang-arounds. She’s also sensible and doesn’t go all helpless and googly-eyed when there’s work that needs to be done.
Of course it doesn’t hurt that the whole series has been drawn with a gorgeous Steampunk sensibility and is full of action and adventure. And then there’s always her incredible fashion sense.

Barbara Gordon

Although not the first to put on the Batgirl cowl, Barbara Gordon is by far the most iconic. The daughter of Commissioner Gordon she was by no means a stranger to danger when she decided to don the costume. She was also the first of the female Bats to be a crime fighter in her own right, not just a ragdoll to be thrown around by the villains and rescued by Batman.
While Barbara’s crippling injury in The Killing Joke is a textbook example of the refrigeration of female characters in comics, she was simply too popular to stay down and became the first ever (to my knowledge) permanently crippled superhero, starting to appear as the Oracle and she was still bad ass, even in a wheel chair. With the reboot of the continuity in the New 52 a lot of people were afraid that her injuries would be invalidated but in Gail Simone’s capable hands Batgirl rose to both critical and commercial success while becoming a deeper character who was both struggling and somewhat elated about her sudden return to the costume.

As an aside, I just noticed that most of these women are blonde as am I (Babs is a redhead like I’d like to be). I may need to do some soul searching about this. Maybe they formed me much more than I previously suspected. There’s a scary thought.

Something Awesome: The Rise of the Guardians

I’ll admit, I didn’t really expect much from The Rise of the Guardians. I went to see it mainly because the concept intrigued me. Okay and also the tattoos on Santa Claus. The trailers gave completely the wrong idea of the movie however and I was pleasantly surprised.

The movie starts with Jack Frost and despite what the trailers lead to believe it is about Jack Frost finding himself and becoming a Guardian of children. It’s a beautiful, well-done, sappy feel-good movie. I couldn’t stop smiling after it ended.

Seriously; the story is well written, the casting is fabulous (although everyone in my party noted the trope that the only Brit was cast into the role of the bad guy) and I especially loved Hugh Jackman as the Easter Rabbit. I just wish there had been more prominent female roles but on the other hand I get the story-based reasons there weren’t any but it still makes me a wee-bit sad.

But despite the lack of female role models the movie was incredible. I highly suggest you go see it right now. It’s a breath of fresh air after years of bad Transformers movies and their clones.

And what could be more awesome than that?

Anti-Caturday: Climbing Walls

Gecko by koalie

Geckos are the most amazing lizards ever. They can’t blink so instead they lick their eyes clean. Some of them come also in a parthenogenetic form which means that if you lock up a female alone it will soon produce more of itself. They’re adept at getting inside but they’re often welcome since they eat insects.

But the most amazing thing about geckos is their feet. The bottoms of their feet are covered in tiny hairs which means they can hang on to pretty much anything. They can climb straight up a glass wall, hang on ceilings, etc. They act like natural suction cups. Don’t tell me that’s not just about the coolest thing you’ve ever heard.

Gecko by rengber

Life is short

Yesterday I found that my tattoo artist just died at the age of 41. Lately it seems a lot of people important to me have been dying and it has got me thinking about mortality and how short life is.

We’re none of us eternal and even though it seems like that’s a no-brainer, all around me I see people not living up to that. Let me give you an example. Ever since I started telling people that I mean to write a lot of people have told me that they also would like to write if they ever get time to do that. And yet those same people are often also up to date in the latest developments of Grey’s Anatomy or Big Brother or whatever else is on TV. And a lot more people spend their lives bitching and moaning about how sad their lives are cause they don’t have the latest iPhone. And then there are the sad trolls all over the internet who relieve the patheticness of their lives by slobbering invective at any and all targets they can. And it occurs to me that none of these activities seem to make the people doing them any happier.

So, what do you dream about? What have you done lately to make it a reality? And I’m not talking about skipping out on your family or anything like that. I’m talking about people who want to write, taking the time to write. Even if it’s for 15 minutes every day. If your dream is to retire to Hawaii then I’m sure there are steps you can take towards that mountain, saving money or some such.

What I’m saying is: life is short. So go out and live it.